Co Existence, detail
Co Existence, detail
Co Existence, detail
Co Existence
Photo credit: Federico Vespignani
Co Existence, Time Space Existence
Venice 2021, Architectural Biennial European Cultural Centre. Palazzo Mora
In 2020 I was invited to see if I was interested in an attic space in Palazzo Mora .
It was a difficult space but I was interested in working in it. My piece Co Existence consisted of 35 paper clay birds, a large nest out of twigs, Neon.
The subject of this work is nature’s ability to adapt and find new ways of surviving in a changing world.
In the rafters of Palazzo Moro a flock of birds have taken up residence. Slightly bedraggled rough at the edges, they survey their nesting site. High on skyscrapers Peregrine Falcons build their lofty nests on mountains of glass on pernicious ledges. Elsewhere shoots are pushing their way through tarmac as fault lines of concrete emerge revealing a hint of purest green.
From the macro to the microscopic nature constructs and weaves its way through the city. Co conspirators in finding a foothold a place to take root and build an alliance of shared existence optimism in the rough seas of uncertainty.